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Sheriah Supervisory Council
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- Sheriah Supervisory Council
Our Sheriah Supervisory Council (SSC)
Takaful Insurance of Africa has an in house Shari’ah Supervisory Council. The members include:
Dr Ahcene Lahsasna
Chairman of Shari’ah Supervisory Council Dr. Ahcene Lahsasna holds his first PhD in
Islamic law and Islamic jurisprudence and second PhD in Banking and Finance. He is
currently the Chief Executive Officer of SalihinShariah Advisory & Chief Academic Officer
of Salihin Academy. Dr. Lahsasna is a registered member of Chartered Professional
Islamic Finance (CPIF) and a Registered Financial Planner (RFP) holder. He has
authored more than 20 books and is the recipient of the Global Business Leadership
Awardin Islamic Finance in 2017 and 2019. He has led Salihin Shariah Advisory Firm to
a Global Islamic Finance Award (GIFA) award in 2018 & 2020 in Bosnia and in 2019 in
Cape Town.
Dr Ibrahim Bulushi
Member of Shari’ah Supervisory Council Dr. Ibrahim Bulushi holds a PhD in Islamic
Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law. His specialisation is Islamic Banking and
Finance. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer/Secretary of Wakf Commissioners
of Kenya. He is passionate about the concept of integration of knowledge (Altakamul al-maarifa). Dr. Bulushi is a writer and a member of several bodies including the
Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) and the Board for the Centre for Minority
Studies in Kuala Lumpur.
Sheikh Hommad Mohamed Kasim
Member of Shari’ah Supervisory Council Sheikh Hammad Mohamed Kassim is
a prominent Kenyan scholar on matters Shariah. He holds a Master of Arts
degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies and is also a published author. Sheikh
Hammad is the Chairman of the sharia advisory council, National Bank of Kenya and
Chairman of Board of Management (BOM) – Sheikh Al Farsy Secondary School,
Mombasa. He is also a member of the BOM Wamy High School, Mombasa and a
member o the Sharia Advisory Council, Barclays Bank of Kenya.
Sheikh Taha bin Hasan Abdul-Basser
Member of sharih Supervisory Council. is an independent scholar of
Islamic ethics and law who has acted as a shari`a compliance reviewer,
examiner and consultant to investment funds, investment banks, retail
banks, financial advisories, legal advisors and other for-profit and not-forprofit entities since 1998.