Welcome to Takaful Insurance of Africa

We operate on an ethical and moral foundation that intends to improve societal welfare and avoids prohibited activities involving exploitative interest, gambling and excessive uncertainty.

What We Offer

Welcome to Takaful Insurance of Africa, what would you like to cover?

General Takaful

Takaful provides financial protection for assets, liability, and health, covering various risks in life.

Medical Takaful

Afya Takaful covers healthcare expenses and provide our clients financial support for medical needs.


Takaful secures income after retirement, offering financial support to maintain a comfortable lifestyle in old age.


Serves as a beacon of light, guiding up and coming entrepreneurs to manage their enterprises better

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Quick Facts

35 +

Experienced Team

100 %

Customer Satisfaction

150000 +

Takaful Policies Issued

150000 +

Satisfied Clients

Takaful Journey

With Takaful Insurance of Africa, everything is simple and transparent.

Get Started

Takaful is a contract between an individual entity

Enter Details

During the meeting, the Takaful agent or broker will enter your details

Review Quote

After the meeting, the Takaful agent will provide a reviewed quote

Purchase Policy

If the individual or business decides to proceed with the purchased policy